Favorite Place

My dad was born in Ghana, west Africa. I have not been back there in around 10 years, but when I visited it left a huge impact on me. At the young age of 10 I was shown how fortunate I was to be blessed with the lifestyle that I was born into. I learned that I have no excuse to not be exceptional because I have been given so much. I also loved meeting my extended family and driving through the countryside.

                                 Rural Ghanian Village


  1. OH MY GOSH, Donovan: I was so excited when I read your blog post; I was thinking you might be from Ghana based on your last name. How wonderful that you are connected with Ghana through your family and heritage; that means you have the excuse to go back and visit again and again!
    I spent this summer reading African folktales, and my favorites were the ones from Ghana. If you are curious, here are the stories from all over Africa that I have been collecting and bookmarking (each title connects to a story online from a free book; they are old books, but that means they are free to read online): African stories at Diigo.
    Maybe you will want to do a Ghana-inspired Storybook project for the class this semester. No one has done that before, and it would be such a great contribution to the class. I know I would enjoy it! :-)

  2. Hi Donovan!

    I think it's amazing that you got to visit Ghana and see the birthplace of your dad! I can imagine that it would be extremely interesting and eye-opening to see the different lifestyles of the people that live in Ghana. I have always wanted to travel to Africa and think that it's awesome that you've gotten to visit! Thank you for sharing.

  3. Hi Donovan,

    That's pretty cool that your dad is from Africa. I know what you mean by feeling fortunate to being born into this lifestyle. My mom came from the Philippines and we visited her home village when I was around six years old. They didn't have things that we take for granted here like A/C, shower and bath, personal vehicles, etc. I'm glad I read this post because reading yours reminded me of that.


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