Topic Brainstorm

Topic Brainstorm possible topics:

(Option 1) OU Ghost Stories- As I was scrolling through the list of possible topics this immediately jumped out at me. It's easy to talk about a topic or idea when you yourself have experienced it or the situation in someway applies to you. During the summer between my senior year of HS and Freshman year of OU, I attended a bridge program where they prepared us to be engineers and showed us the ropes of OU. The first night we were there the upperclassmen took us around OU's campus and told us about the haunted elements and legends involving our new campus. Although it was cheesy, there was a level of excitement that came over all of us as we told and listened to fictional beings that possess and dwell in our everyday environment. In short, I think it would be both easy and fun to write about this. Resource

(Option 2) Greek Mythology - I read constantly as a young kid and still love reading today. I loved the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series as many other kids my age did too. It was so well written and i absolutely flew through the series. I don't think it was easy, but I can say that I have now seen a story constructed very well off of Greek Mythology which makes me more comfortable with doing that myself. Resource

(Option 3) The Land of Oz - Another idea that caught my eye while scrolling through the list, the Wizard of Oz is a classic. My mom is a huge fan of the wizard of Oz and would always point out how many of our TV shows would have a single episode that was supposed to pay tribute to the wizard of Oz because of how easy and adaptable the story. In other words, I have seen many remakes of the Wizard of Oz, and am sure I could create one myself. The story is journey with clear goals and a great lesson at the end. I could definitely see myself having fun with this one as well. Resource

(Option 4) Legendary Creatures- So I will start by admitting that this one is probably my least favorite out of the ones I have chosen. However, I really like the idea of exploring animals and things that we don't see everyday. I always enjoy how much information there is available to back up all of these fictional animals, almost as much information as regular animals. I think I would also enjoy writing and learning about these creatures. Resource

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  1. Hi Donovan, it's nice to meet you! I was also a huge fan of Rick Riordan's "Percy Jackson and the Olympians" series when I was younger, so Greek mythology is definitely one of my considerations as well. I'd also be interested to read something about the OU ghost stories. I'm a senior, but I've never done any of the ghost walks or whatever, so I don't know what any of our own legends are. Good luck!


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