Week 11 Story: Coyote vs Snake

There was once a coyote who was walking on a straight path. He suddenly heard a voice that told him to stop. He looked down and saw a snake that was on the path. The snake told him to exit the path and walk around instead of stepping over him. The Coyote told the snake that he had just as much a right to the path as the snake did, and wished to continue on the path. The snake warned the Coyote that if he chose to pass over him instead of walking around, he would be bitten by the snake. The coyote weighed his options and chose the few moments of inconvenience by walking around the snake. The snake hissed and taunted the Coyote as he walked away but the Coyote ignored him and continued to his destination.

After some time he came to a creek. As he was about to drink he saw himself and realized how happy he was to not have risked his life earlier. Then he walked on until he felt sleepy. So he pushed his way into the thick grass and fell asleep. After he rested, he woke up. He now needed to return home, on the same path that he had gotten there by. The Coyote dreaded seeing the snake again because of the unpleasant and needless interaction they had the first time. When he arrived at the area where the snake was last time, he was shocked to find a beheaded snake corpse on the side of the path. It was apparent that a man had come on the path and slain the snake, rather than walking around. The Coyote was overjoyed that his problem had seemingly disappeared. That day the Coyote learned the value of patience, and waiting to fight another day.

                                                                            Snake Image
Author's Note: In the original story the Coyote passed over the snake despite the snake's warning. He did not initially feel any pain but eventually died in the thick grass when he took a nap. This was because of the time delay required for the poison to set in. I chose to make my Coyote more wise and vivacious.

Bibliography: This story is part of the Great Plains unit. Story source: Myths and Legends of the Great Plains by Katharine Berry Judson (1913).


  1. Hi Donovan! Nice job on your story. Did you consider adding any dialogue to your version? I think that would be a good way to add some length to the story, while also bringing the characters to life a little more. I think it was a good idea to change the Coyote’s personality in your version. It made things even more interesting. Nice job!

  2. Hi Donovan! I really liked the meaning behind this story! I liked how you made the Coyote wiser in your story, as compared to the original. I think you ending did a better job of demonstrating the importance of patience. This story was very straightforward and easy to understand. I think it would have been interesting if you told this story from the Coyote's point of view! This would have added a little bit more depth to the Coyote, as it would have allowed us to see more of his personality!

  3. I love it! Wise Coyote. The change you made was really clever and cute. Live to fight another day! If you wanted to make the story a little longer, you could even include that the coyote sees the man, with his great weapon, passing him while he lays in the thick protective grass enjoying the sunny day. Just really show how this lil Coyote just had a great day and introduce the idea of other traffic along the path. But overall, cute twist!


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